The Scratch Pad

Thursday, November 24, 2005

In the name of honesty

The murder of IOC employee and IIM graduate Manjunath is disheartening. This just displays how the voices of crusaders against corruption are silenced brutally. Manjunath had closed down a petrol pump on the charges of adultery. The owner and his employees took their revenge by killing him ruthlessly.

This is not the first time that India has seen such killings. Whenever anyone stands up against injustice, the perpetuators either strip all his powers or kill him. If this continues then our democracy is heading towards a grim future where all the power will be incarcerated in the hands of ruffians.

To stop this mayhem the punishment rewarded to these murderers should not be restricted only to hanging but they should be tortured first and then hanged in public so that anyone with such motives will think twice before acting.


  • The killing is absolutely outrageous..
    all of us should make an effort to condemn it in a way that is appropriate but atr the same time , will send jitters down the spines of the guilty

    By Blogger Suraj, at November 28, 2005 5:31 PM  

  • I agree...

    Satyendra Dubey first n now the IIM grad.. it is very sad to see brilliant life fizzle out in such a way.

    By Blogger Sudeep, at November 30, 2005 9:28 PM  

  • the killers deserve no mercy mercy at all...

    unless severe punishments are dealt out to such killers ,we cannot assure a safe governance.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at December 07, 2005 5:42 PM  

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